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Информация / Info
Дополнительная информация о названиях некоторых эпизодов

Specific information about some episode`s subtitles.

Эпизод 19
Определение "интроекция" является термином из области психоанализа, обозначающим "интернализацию* родителей и их ценности, приводящую к формации сверх-эго"

(* интернализация - процесс, в ходе которого индивид изучает и воспринимает как обязательные социальные ценности и нормы, переводя их на "внутренний" уровень.
лат.Interior - внутренний)

Эпизод 24
Два иероглифа "si-Sya" в японском варианте заголовка являются зрительной игрой слов касающейся фамилии Каору - Нагиса. Она может обозначать как "Ангел", так и "Катастрофа". А именно:
Катакана "shi" очень похоже на кандзи "sanzui-hen" (что добавляет "связанное с водой" значение к кандзи). В сочетании со следующим кандзи "sha" (человек), они "выглядят" как ОДНО кандзи "nagisa" (побережье).
Английский заголовок "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" является названием песни Боба Дилана, которая была включена в фильм "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid"

Episode 19
The definition of introjection is a psychoanalysis term meaning "the internalization of the parent figures and their values; leads to the formation of the superego".

Episode 24
The two characters "si-Sya" in the Japanese subtitle is a visual pun to Kaoru's last name, Nagisa. It is also a pun meaning both "Angel" and "Casualty". In detail:
katakana "shi" looks very much like a "sanzui-hen" kanji radical (which basically adds "water-related" meaning to the kanji). Composed with the next kanji "sha" (person), they *look* like ONE kanji "nagisa" (shore).
The English title, "Knockin' on Heaven's Door", is the title of a Bob Dylan song, which was included in the film "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid".

О актёрах, озвучивавших оригинальный сериал

Who are the voice actors and what other roles have they played?

kari Shinji is born on the 6th of June. He\'s dubbed by Ogata Megumi. Ogata Megumi is born on the 6th of June.

Katsuragi Misato: December, 8th - Mitsuishi Kotono: December, 8th

Akagi Ritsuko: November, 21th - Yamaguchi Yuriko: November, 21th

Souryuu Asuka Langley: December, 4th - Miyamura Yuuko: December, 4th

Ikari Gendou: April, 29th - Tachiki Fumihiko: April, 29th

Fuyutsuki Kouzou: April, 9th - Kiyokawa Motomu: April, 9th

Kaji Ryouji: June, 17th - Yamadera Kouichi: June, 17th

Horaki Hikari: February, 18th - Iwao Junko: February, 18th

Hyuuga Makoto: February, 13th - Yuuki Hiro: February, 13th

Ibuki Maya: July, 11th - Nagasawa Miki: July, 11th

Aoba Shigeru: May, 5th - Koyasu Takehito: May, 5th

Ikari Yui: March, 30th, 1977 - Hayashibara Megumi: March, 30th

The only exceptions are:

Nagisa Kaoru: September, 13th - Ishida Akira: November, 2nd - It\'s just logical, since he\'s said to be born on the day of Second Impact. And by the way, this date is just a reference to \"Space : 1999\", nothing else...

Suzuhara Touji: December, 26th - Seki Tomokazu: September, 8th

Aida Kensuke: September, 12th - Iwanaga Testsuya: June, 24th

What are the characters\' blood types?

Ikari Shinji : A (Ogata Megumi : B)
Katsuragi Misato : AO (Mitsuishi Kotono : AO)
Ayanami Rei : unknown (Hayashibara Megumi : O)
S?ry? Asuka Langley : O (Miyamura Y?ko : O)
Akagi Ritsuko : B (Yamaguchi Yuriko : B)
Ikari Gend? : A (Tachiki Fumihiko : A)
Fuyutsuki K?z? : AB (Kiyokawa Motomu : AB)

What are the characters\' blood types?

Ikari Shinji : A (Ogata Megumi : B)
Katsuragi Misato : AO (Mitsuishi Kotono : AO)
Ayanami Rei : unknown (Hayashibara Megumi : O)
S?ry? Asuka Langley : O (Miyamura Y?ko : O)
Akagi Ritsuko : B (Yamaguchi Yuriko : B)
Ikari Gend? : A (Tachiki Fumihiko : A)
Fuyutsuki K?z? : AB (Kiyokawa Motomu : AB)

О компании Гайнакс, создавшей Neon Genesis Evangelion

Gainax, the company that produced NGE

Gainax was founded in December, 1984 by Hirouyuki Yamaga, Hideaki Anno, Toshio Okada. It produced The Wings of Honneamise (film), Nadia of the Mysterious Seas/The secret of Blue Water (TV), Over the top!/Gunbuster" (OAV), "Otaku No Video" (OAV). Honneasmise was sponsored by Bandai, which hoped to create a merchandising market using the film. Costing 800 million yen, the film was instead a failure, taking eight years to recoup Bandai's investment. Nadia was broadcast in 1990 on NHK. It then took {how much time} off, and made the Princess Maker series of games. Evangelion is their "returning to anime" work.

Is Gainax being investigated by the Japanese Taxation Office? Is it because of tax fraud?

Yes. In July 1998 investigators from the Japanese Taxation office raided Gainax's offices and the residence of Gainax's president Yamaga. In November 1998 Japanese newspapers reported that Gainax performed tax fraud by transferring funds to other companies, labelling it as different kinds of fees, and then secretly re-depositing it. Gainax appears to have been fined heavily. Newspaper reports specifically listed Gainax as the author of Neon Genesis Evangelion, the cult TV series.

О логотипе NERV (половина листа фиги с надписью, кровавого цвета)

Is the Leaf Silhoutte on the NERV logo a fig leaf? / Where did the motto for NERV come from?

Логотип NERV состоит из половины фИгового листка со слоганом под ним:

"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world"

"Бог на своих Небесах, Всё в порядке с миром"

взято из поэмы Роберта Браунинга (1812-89), "Pippa Passes", Часть 1 1.222.

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearl'd;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in His heaven--
All's right with the world!

Фиговый лист напоминает о перводном грехе, познании добра и зла, который столкнул Адама и Еву.
412 Info Is the Leaf Silhoutte on the NERV logo a fig leaf? / Where did the motto for NERV come from?
The logo of NERV consists from half leaf of fig with motto text below:

"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world"

is taken from a poem by Robert Browning (1812-89), "Pippa Passes", Part 1 1.222.

The year's at the spring,
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearl'd;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in His heaven--
All's right with the world!

О организациях NERV, GEHIRN, SEELE, Marduke

What does NERV, GEHIRN, and SEELE mean? / The different departments of NERV / What is SEELE? / Who/What is Marduke? / Who are the other members of Seele?

Seele is the German word for soul.
NERV is German for nerve.
Gehirn is German for brain.

SEELE is a shadow group that seems to sit on top of the UN. How they got together or what the full extent of their powers are seem to be unknown. We can only be sure that they seem to have the power to have the UN do whatever they want, and they seem to have a hand in funding NERV.

These are the different departments of NERV mentioned in the series:

Operations (at least two sections);
Technology (four sections, the third devoted to "electro-magnetic and light wave weapon development");
Public Affairs
Security (at least two sections);
Special Affairs.

In Evangelion, Marduke serves as the name for an agency that selects the Children who pilot the Evas.
With mythological roots in ancient Babylonian religion, Marduke was the chief among the pantheon of gods.

Like NERV itself, the even more obscure Marduk Agency is supposedly an organization established by the United Nations' secret instrumentality of Man Committee, under its chairman, Kiel Lorenz. The founding date of of the Marduk Agency is unknown. The purpose of the Marduk is to find and identify those 14 year old "Children" able to "synchronize" with and hence pilot the Evangelion units...Records indicate that the Marduk Agency is a vast concern, with connections to a family of 108 international enterprises. However, NERV's Ryoji Kaji, acting as a double agent for the Japanese Ministry of the Interior, maintains that he has evidence that Marduk is nothing but a vast series of blinds, and the truth about the selection process lies not with Marduk, but with the school all the Children attend.
"Marduk" was the ruler of the gods worshipped by ancient Babylon, the city-state whose armies in 586 B.C. destroyed the original temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, and then exiled the Jews from their homeland during the forty-eight year "Babylonian Captivity." This otherwise obscure detail may connect to the Instrumentality of Man Committee. The "Dead Sea Scrolls" consulted by the Committee for their prophecies are believed by many scholars to have been written by the Essene community of Jews-a community which is thought to have had its origins during the Babylonian Captivity.
(Taken from Eva Manga Part 6, Vol.3)

-----SEELE related----
In episode 17, Ikari and Fuyutski are having a conversation while riding into base on a train. Here is the excerpt from their conversation (Literal Translation Script):

Kouzou: But the committee is in a panic.
Gendou: Of course, because it's an unscheduled accident.
Kouzou: Seele must be busy revising the schedule.

Looking at this, one can get the idea that things don't happen unless Seele wants them to, or unless it's not supposed to happen. What is important to note about this scene is that there is a change from the original script. In the original, Fuyutski refers to Seele as "Essene" (in his second line here).

Essene is the puritanical Jewish sect that wrote the real life Dead Sea Scrolls. This leads to something interesting. If the name wasn't merely just another allusory title, then it is possible that the originization that came to be known as Seele predates even the WWII era (see above entry). It would be rooted as far back as biblical/post-biblical times. Additionally, it could have existed as an underground society all the years since, gaining influence and power around the world. Should the idea hold, it makes the story far more vast in its expanse, and would explain for the seemingly endless reserves and power of the Seele group. It also explains how they came into possession of the SDSS in the first place (their forebearers wrote them).

О официальном владельце прав проката и компании A.D.V.

Who owns the rights to the films?

Manga Entertainment is the only company who owns the rights to the movies Evangelion: DEATH & REBIRTH and The End of Evangelion in the US and UK. Madman Entertainment apparently holds the rights in Australia. Any other distributor selling the Eva movies (such as on eBay) is pawning an illegal bootleg. These were fansubbed versions done before the domestic license of the films in the US, and should not be distributed any longer. A.D.V. Films own the rights to the originally aired television series. They do not own the rights to any of the Special Edition scenes - ADV is apparently on rocky ground with Gainax, and has recently said that they will not be pursuing these scenes.

[Part of this text, or text in whole, taken without permission from]

О связи серала с учением Карла Густава Юнга.

Who is Carl Gustav Jung? What does he have do with Eva?

Carl Gustav Jung was one of the fathers of modern psychoanalysis. He developed many theories, such as personality types, archetypes, the collective unconscious, and individuation. He viewed consciousness as multi-layered, where, unlike Freud, the unconscious mind had a great deal to offer us. Jung's belief was that our Self, the truest form of our psyche, would only truly be revealed if we unified the different levels of our conscious and unconscious minds.

The main areas of the human psyche are the Persona, Ego, and the Self. Through uniting the conscious aspects of ourselves, with the Self, which resides in the unconscious, we complete ourselves, thereby creating a unity of mind. It is a long and difficult journey to do this, however, and so many of us never succeed. This is the journey which faces Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

The Persona is the version of ourselves that we project out onto the world. It is our mask. Behind this, we hide many of our feelings and opinions, because we recognize that we do not desire, nor is it always appropriate, to reveal all that goes on in our minds.

The Ego is our conscious mind. It's the thing that we look out onto the world with. It is the ego that decides what it will hide behind the mask of the Persona, and what it will reveal. The ego is very concerned with itself. It is the ego that mainly tries to keep tabs on what our conscious mind knows, and what is stored in our unconscious, though this is hardly a fast and hard rule.

Within our unconscious, mainly hidden from us by layers of unpleasentness, and the ego's over riding desire to be dominant, is the Self. In Jung's opinion, this was as close to God that we would ever come. The Self was the divine spark, the totality of what we were, and were able to become. The Self was not soul or spirit, but something wider and deeper.

In order for us to make this connection, there are several barriers we must conquer. Since the Self lies within the unconscious mind, we must search that area for it. But the unconscious is home to two other entities. These are the anima/animus and the Shadow.

The Anima/us is the opposite sex aspect that lies within us. Anima is the archetypal image of the feminine within men, while the Animus is the archetypal image of the masculine in females. If we are unaware, or deny the existence of this part of ourselves, it can have disastrous results. This is mainly due to our projecting this aspect of ourselves onto another human being. Instead of reconciling this side of psyche, we try to remove it from ourselves and project onto another person. But inevitably, that person will not live up to our projections because they are their own person. They are not literally a part of ourselves, which is what we are trying to make them be. This can lead to numerous failed relationships, violent obsessions, or self destruction.

The Shadow is perhaps the most difficult hurdle to surpass. And it is perhaps the most applicable hurdle to Evangelion. The Shadow is where we push all the things we don't want to be. It isn't to say that the Shadow is exclusively traumatic experiences, or that it is purely bad behaviour. It is more a suppression of those things which do not fit into the Persona or the Ego. If we are told be society to not be selfish, we may suppress this into the Shadow. We have tried to fool ourselves into believing we are not selfish, because we have buried this trait. But the thing is that the trait still exists in ourselves, and can even leak out in such a way that we aren't aware of it. The Shadow questions the truth of our motives. While the conscious mind says we are doing something for the benefit of someone else, we really may be doing it far more for ourselves. The Shadow can be the most terrifying of hurdles, because it can call into doubt what kind of person we believe we have been, are, and might be.

It is perhaps through this idea of confronting the Shadow that Shinji's visions of the train, and why, when he says he is weak, selfish, sneaky, and cowardly, at the end of the tv episode 26, it is a good thing that he is able to say these things about himself. Shinji confronts his Shadow. All those things he believed about himself, that he piloted the evangelion because people wanted him to, that Angels had to be destroyed because they were our enemies, he realizes are just ideas that he has created to comfort himself away from the truth. That being that he pilots the evas for praise. That he destroys the angels, even though he himself questions whether it's the right thing to do or not. As Shinji moves towards the truth about himself, a psychic journey which we witness through the end of evangelion (both film and tv), he comes more in touch with who he truly is, and his final realization that he can live without the evas, that the dependance on them was in his mind, allows him to realize that he can function with other people. He is able to realize that in spite of the Shadow aspects of himself, he can still be a good person. He can still be a likeable person. He has hope, and that is probably the ultimate goal that most of us could ever hope to reach.

Почему Гайнакс создал полнометражные фильмы к сериалу?

Why were the movies made?

В общих чертах это выглядело так: Гайнакс был вынужден вычеркнуть свои планы окончания телесериала из за "проблем" (по слухам - финансовыми, вызванными родительскими группами и цензорами). В результате получилось экранизировать меньше, чем было задумано, но придерживаясь ключевых моментов Евангелиона.

После показа по телевидению, это вызвало громкий шум среди поклонников сериала. Они хотели получить ответы на многие загадки, поставленные но не развязаные скомканой концовкой сериала. В связи с большим спросом финансирование было найдено, и Гайнакс получил возможность переделать два последних эпизода Евангелиона. Хотя фильм, сперва задумывавшийся для выпуска на видеокассетах, его было решено выпустить в кинотеатрах.

Интересный момент: вы видели вставки, на которых скользящей камерой сняты ряды людей в кинозале? Гайнакс снял эти кадры непосредственно в момент первого показа фильма End of Evangelion в кинотеатре, и, пока народ несколько минут довольно шумно жаждал начала представления, вмонтировали эти кадры в показываемый фильм.

The common tale is this; Gainax, having had to scrap its plans for the ending on tv due to "problems" (this is rumored to be parent groups and censors) created an ending that was less than what they wanted to do, but still maintained the intent of the final moments of Evangelion. When it aired on tv, there was an apparent fan outcry of foul. Fans, who may have appreciated the psychological aspect of the ending, wanted to know more. They wanted to know where the answers to so many mysteries were. With the demand high, and apparently the funds to make the film present, Gainax set out to remake the final two episodes of Evangelion. Originally intended as a straight to video release, they decided to let it loose in theatres.

Почему для обозначения каждого пилота используется слово Дети (Children, множественное число)?

Is the term "Children" a deliberate use?

Да. Это корабль USS Harry S. Truman, введённый в эксплуатацию 25 апреля 1998 года в Атлантический флот США. Предполагаемо, его имя было изменено на "Over The Rainbow" после присоединения к Тихоокеанскому флоту ООН, в составе которого он доставляет Евангелион 02 в Японию в эпизоде 8.

(Взято из Энциклопедии, прилогаемой к Итальянской редакции выпуска TV серий, автор "Gualtiero Cannarsi". Текст предоставлен Annalisa Bracco)

(This information was excerpted from the Evangelion Encyclopaedia, included with the Italian edition of the Evangelion TV series video release, authored by "Gualtiero Cannarsi" . Text supplied by Annalisa Bracco )

Yes. The ship is the USS Harry S. Truman, which entered service with the US Atlantic Fleet on April 25, 1998. Presumably the name change was acquired when it was attached to the UN Pacific Fleet, and tasked to deliver Unit-02 to Japan (as seen in episode 8)

Правда ли, что: авианосец "Over The Rainbow" ("На том конце радуги") существует на самом деле?

Is the aircraft carrier "Over The Rainbow" a real vessel?

Да. Это корабль USS Harry S. Truman, введённый в эксплуатацию 25 апреля 1998 года в Атлантический флот США. Предполагаемо, его имя было изменено на "Over The Rainbow" после присоединения к Тихоокеанскому флоту ООН, в составе которого он доставляет Евангелион 02 в Японию в эпизоде 8.

(Взято из Энциклопедии, прилогаемой к Итальянской редакции выпуска TV серий, автор "Gualtiero Cannarsi". Текст предоставлен Annalisa Bracco)

(This information was excerpted from the Evangelion Encyclopaedia, included with the Italian edition of the Evangelion TV series video release, authored by "Gualtiero Cannarsi" . Text supplied by Annalisa Bracco )

Yes. The ship is the USS Harry S. Truman, which entered service with the US Atlantic Fleet on April 25, 1998. Presumably the name change was acquired when it was attached to the UN Pacific Fleet, and tasked to deliver Unit-02 to Japan (as seen in episode 8)

Правда ли, что: в End of Evangelion мелькает снимок писем с плохими отзывами к Гайнакс?

I was told there is hate mail to Gainax flashed on screen in The End of Evangelion. Is this true?

Да, это так. В фильме End of Evangelion, в конце вставки с "живой" съёмкой, прямо перед тем как шея Рей-Лилит начала кровоточить, мелькает изображение составленое из писем, которые присылали Гайнакс. Несмотря на то, что некоторые из них очень положительны, полны уважения к Гайнакс и сериалу, они перемешаны с откровенно гневными письмами.

Yes it is true. The text that is quickly flashed on screen after the live-action segment and right before the Lilith-Rei being's neck begins to bleed, is a collection of emails sent to Gainax. While some of them are very positive notes, full of praise for Gainax and Eva, there is some legitimate hate mail intermixed.

Правда ли, что: Евангелион антихристианский / ересь? Имеет ли сериал религиозное значение?

Is Evangelion anti-Christian? / Is there religious meaning to Evangelion?

Евангелион не является и никогда не являлся религиозным аниме. Он не содержит никаких прямых комментариев касающихся мировых религий. Содержащиеся в нем иудейско-христианские элементы являются всего лишь сюжетными линиями предназначенными для передачи истории и ничем иным.

Взрывы в форме крестов, Каббала и некоторые другие моменты действительно имеют религиозные корни и действительно имеют отношение к Евангелиону, но не стоит забывать, что Ева является художественным произведением и использованные в ней символы не стоит воспринимать слишком серьезно. Думаю, что Мамору Осия (режиссер "Ghost in the shell" и "Patlabor") лучшим образом описал религиозные элементы в аниме, когда сказал: "Они используются в качестве прототипов для сюжетов; не по религиозным причинам, но из идеологических соображений и в качестве литературного вдохновения".

Наконец, на аниме конвенции Otakon в 2001 году, ассистент режисера Казуя Цурумаки (которые был режиссером ЕоЕ: Эпизод 25' Air - к то время как Анно занимался ЕоЕ: Эпизод 26' Sincerely Yours и служил главным режиссером) в ответ на вопрос о том, какое отношение христианство имеет к Евангелиону, заявил следующее:

Цурумаки: В Японии существует множество меха-аниме и мы захотели ввести в нашу историю религиозные мотивы, чтобы выделиться среди прочих. Ввиду того, что христианство слабораспространенно в Японии, мы подумали что эта религия будет особенно таинственной. Никто из людей, работавших над Евой, не являлся христианином.
Аниме не имеет христианскоо значения, мы просто посчитали что Христианские символы будут выглядеть круто. Если бы мы знали, что аниме будет распространяться в Европе и США, мы бы могли пересмотреть наш выбор.

Итак, в то время как основные сюжетные элементы Евангелиона позаимствованы из некоторых религиозных текстов и мифов, они всего лишь служат вдохновением для совершенно отличной истории. Они здесь лишь в эстетических целях. Евангелион также позаимствовал некоторые элементы из раннее вышедшего аниме Tomino. Евангелион в большей мере ссылается на Ideon (аниме), чем на Откровение.


Является ли Евангелион антихристианским?

Эта тема не раз поднималась в различных журналах и на интернет-форумах. Думаю я с полной уверенностью могу сказать: нет. Евангелион не направлен против какой-либо религии. Появляющиеся в Евангелионы символы различных религий присутствуют там лишь, чтобы разбавить основные принципы. Мы видим крест и мы ассоциируем его с жертвой, смертью и духом. Мы видит Сефирот и, если мы что-либо знаем о религии, мы воспринимаем его как путь к Богу.
Стоит также учитывать аудиторию, на которую направлен Евангелион. Все опрошенные сотрудники Гайнакса были очень удивлены популярностью сериала за пределами Японии. В свете этого факта, можно понять, что Гайнакс использовал религиозные символы другой культуры с целью создания эффекта неизвестности и таинственности для японской аудитории, которая в основном слабо ознакомлена со значением этих символов.

В конце концов, все это неважно, потому что Анно лично заявил, что религиозные символы это всего лишь обертка. Евангелион в большей мере касается психологии, чем религии. Он о человеческом разуме и эмоциях, а не о Боге. Анно говорил о людях, а не о их верованиях.

Evangelion is not, and never was a religious anime and does not contain any direct commentary on the world's religions. The Judeo-Christian elements it contains are simply plot devices used to convey the story. Nothing more.

The cross shaped explosions, the Kabalah, and all other references do have religious roots and do have relevance to Evangelion but it is very important to remember that Eva is a work of fiction and should not have it's symbols taken that seriously. I think that Mamorou Oshii (director of "Ghost in The Shell" and "Patlabor") described religious elements in anime best when he said "These are used as the prototype for the stories; not for religious reasons, but for ideology and literary inspiration".

Finally, at the Otakon anime convention held in 2001, assistant director Kazuya Tsurumaki (who was the director of The End of Evangelion: Episode 25' Air - while Anno personally undetook The End of Evangelion: Episode 26' Sincerely Yours and acted as Chief Director) was asked directly what relvance Christianity had to Evangelion. This was his reply:

Tsurumaki: There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us.
Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians.
There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice.

So, while Evangelion's basic plot elements are borrowed from some religious texts and myths, they merely act as inspiration for a different story. They are just there for aesthetics. Evangelion also borrowed several elements from earlier Tomino anime shows. Evangelion owes more to Ideon, than it does to Revelation.


Is Evangelion anti-Christian?

I've seen this one brought up in magazines, and in newsgroups. I think I can safely say no. Evangelion isn't anti-any religion. The symbols from various religions that appear in Evangelion are only there to stir basic principles. We see a cross, and we associate this with sacrifice, death, and the spirit. We see the Sephiroth, and if we know anything about the religion, we understand that this is a pathway to God. The other thing that needs to be considered is the audience for Evangelion. Evryone I've seen interviewed from Gainax seems quite surprised at the serie's popularity outside of Japan. In this light, you can see where Gainax used the religious symbols of a different culture to create suspense and mystery for a Japanese audience that were largely ignorant of many of the meanings of these symbols.

In the end, it's all irrelevant, because even Anno has stated that the religious symbols were just window dressings. Evangelion is more about psychology than it is religion. It is more about the human brain and human emotions than it is about God. Anno sought to make a statement on the human condition, not human beliefs.

[Part of this text, or text in whole, taken without permission from]

Чем является Red Cross Book (буклет "красный крест", краткое описание и глоссарий по сериалу) и кто его написал?

Is the Red Cross Book published by Studio Gainax? / What is the "Red Cross Book" (RCB)?

Red Cross Book (RCB) - Книга с Красным Крестом

Эта книга не была опубликована студией Гайнакс, но она была принята командой Евангелиона, и таким образом это единственный справочник по сериалу, который можно считать официальным.

На самом деле, на книге написано крест накрест "The end of" и "Evangelion". Этот буклет продавался в кинотеатрах Японии во время показа фильма End of Evangelion. Книга содержит заметки о создании сериала и очень интересный раздел Глоссарий, в котором кратко поясняются многие термины, упоминавшиеся в сериале.

Материал этой книги лёг в основу многих разделов этого сайта.

Частичный русский перевод RCB на сайте Драгомирова (с авторскими комментариями):

Первоисточник, на который я рекомендую взглянуть это сборка из трёх буклектов, с полным текстом, на сайте ЕваОтаку:

The Red Cross Book is a coined term for the The End of Evangelion theatrical film program, sold in Japan in theaters during the showings of The End of Evangelion. This book, that is entirely black except for a large red cross stamped across the front (hence the name), gives production notes and contains a very interesting Glossary section which defines and explains various terms and people mentioned throughout Evangelion.

The Red Cross Book was NOT published by Studio Gainax.

But it was approved by the staff of Evangelion. Including Hideaki Anno. Therefore it is reasonable to presume the RCB is official canon of Evangelion.

[Part of this text, or text in whole, taken without permission from]

ЧТО автор сериала пытается нам рассказать с его помощью?

What is the meaning of the series?

Сериал - это попытка обратить наше внимание на тот факт, что мы, человеческие создания, занимаем уникальное место в этом мире. С одной стороны мы состоим из плоти и крови, мы материальные существа, животные Земли. Но ещё мы содержим душу, Божий материал, которая есть наша настоящая и главная сущность. Мы не можем по-настоящему познать друг друга, так как наши души глушатся плотскими ящиками, в которые мы заключены. Каждый из нас имеет непроницаемую преграду, которой защищаемся от окружающих. Мы стараемся ослабить преграду к некоторым людям, и чувствуем потребность быть пропущеным к ним. Но, делая это, всегда есть риск пораниться, быть оскорблённым, униженым, отвергнутым. Мы рискуем самими собой.

Синдзи боится этого. Он боится боли, он не хочет рисковать, и он отдаляется от людей и его самооценка падает. Евангелие Нового Поколение - о том, как открывать себя, брать на себя ответсвенность, ценить мир вокруг.

Мы состоим из двух состояний сознания. Есть я-сознательное, которое видит и реагирует на мир вокруг нас, и есть я-безсознательное, действующее на фоне. Безсознательное может заблокировать и спрятать мысли, ранящие нас, а может позволить им медленно протекать в сознательное и влиять на нашу жизнь. Диалоги Синдзи в вагоне метро с детской версией себя отображает это общение сознательного и безсознательного. Он защищает свою точку зрения словами, основывающимися на осознаных решениях и наблюдениях. Его же безсознательная часть знает все настоящие мотивации и чувства.

Сериал говорит о согласовании сознательного и безсознательного. Он о познании себя, черпании силы и радости в этом знании.

The series is an attempt to address the fact that as human beings, we occupy a unique place in our world. We are flesh and blood, which makes us a material being, an animal of the earth. But we also contain a soul, material that is of God. Because our soul is our true and essential self, we can never truly know each other, because our soul is contained, and muffled, by the fleshy cage that it has been placed into. We have a barrier around us that no one can break through. We do our best to let our defenses down for some people, and we feel the need to be let in. To do this, though, we risk being hurt, humiliated, and rejected. We put ourselves on the line. Shinji is afraid to do this. He doesn't want to be hurt, he doesn't want to take the risk, and so he withdraws from people and lowers his sense of self-worth. Evangelion is about one boy's journey of self-discovery, and how he learned to take the risk, and how he learned to value the world.

We are composed of two states of consciousness. There is the conscious self, that sees and reacts to the world around us, and then there is the unconscious self that takes over in time when we leave conscious thought. The unconscious can lock things away that can hurt us, or it can let these things slowly leak out and affect our lives. Shinji's conversations on the subway car with the child version of himself is his conscious mind having a dialogue with his unconscious self. Shinji tries to plead his case based on his conscious decisions and observations. His unconscious however knows all of Shinji's true motivations and feelings. Evangelion is about the reconciliation of conscious and unconscious. It is about knowing yourself, and gaining power and happiness with that knowledge.

"Evangelion is like a puzzle, you know. Any person can see it and give his/her own answer. In other words, we're offering viewers to think by themselves, so that each person can imagine his/her own world. We will never offer the answers, even in the theatrical version. As for many Evangelion viewers, they may expect us to provide the 'all-about Eva' manuals, but there is no such thing. Don't expect to get answers by someone. Don't expect to be catered to all the time. We all have to find our own answers." - Anno Hideaki - PA #43, translated by Miyako Graham from 1 1/96 Newtype

Список литературы, использовавшийся фанами сериала для его исследования

Literature list, used by fans to understand Neon Genesis Evangelion backgrounds

  • A Kabbalah for the Modern World by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
    (Каббала для современного мира)
  • Beginner's Guide to Revelation by Robin Robertson. Nicolas-Hays, 1994.
    (Руководство к Откровению для новичков)
  • Dictionary of Creation Myths By David Leeming with Margaret Leeming. Oxford University Press, 1994.
    (Справочник Мифов Сотворения)
  • Encyclopedia of Angels by Rosemary Ellen Guiley. Facts On File, Inc., 1996.
    (Энциклопедия Ангелов)
  • The Encyclopedia of Angels: An A-to-Z Guide with Nearly 4,000 Entries by Constance Victoria Briggs. Plume, 1997.
    (Энциклопедия Ангелов: руководство от А до Я ~4000 статей)
  • The Gnostic Jung Selected and introduced by Robert A. Segal. Princeton University Press, 1992.
    (Гностицизм Юнга)
  • Jung's Map of the Soul: An Introduction by Murray Stein. Open Court, 1998.
    (Карта души по Юнгу)
  • Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism by Perle Besserman. Shambhala, 1997.
    (Каббала и иудейский мистицизм)
  • The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Hershel Shanks. Random House, 1998.
    (Загадки и смысл Свитков Мёртвого моря)
  • The Other Bible edited by Willis Barnstone. HarperSanFrancisco, 1984.
    (Иная Библия)
  • A Primer of Jungian Psychology by Calvin S. Hall & Vernon J. Nordby. Meridian, 1999.
    (Букварь психологии по Юнгу)
  • The Truth About Cabala by David Godwin. Llewellyn Publications, 1994.
    (Правда о Каббале)
  • The Undiscovered Self by C.G. Jung. Back Bay Books, translated from the German by R.F.C. Hull.
    (Я - неисследованое, К.Г. Юнг)
  • The Witches Qabala by Ellen Cannon Reed. Samuel Weiser, 1997
    (Каббала ведьм)

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